Palmarosa Essential Oil

(1 customer review)


Buy Palmarosa Oil, 100% Pure, and Natural at Wholesale Price


Palmarosa essential oil, fast becoming the firm’s essential oil can be described at its best under the following subheads:

  • Origin: palmarosa, a wild-growing shrub belonging to the Gramineae family with thin straw-like green-colored bushes and willowy stems with beautiful fragmented flowering tops. The grass has two varieties in itself, the motia and the Sofia- being more active and a sugary sweet smell is largely used oil composition.
  • Extraction: Palmarosa oil is extracted from dried grass by the process of steam distillation before harvesting the flowers.
  • Appearance, color, and odor: although the oil is of water viscosity is still a bit thicker has a hint of rose giving a pleasant aroma with a pale yellow color.


The Palmarosa oil with many beneficial aspects such as skin benefits, reduction of mental stress, and improving the digestive system emphasizes some of the keys featured uses:

  • Vapor therapy: a very effective therapy for uplifting the mind, eliminating stress and tensions, lessening the messed up thoughts, and relieving the nervous system is done with the help of this soothing oil.
  • Health properties: with a lot more health issues being solved by this oil it is advised to dilute it in the bath to fight exhaustion and regain energy levels. When added in water it washes away the infections and soothes the wound.
  • Used in skin products: used as a moisturizing ingredient in lotions and creams providing a hydrating effect that is good for wrinkles. The formation of new tissue is one of the crucial cellular features of the oil regenerating the skin.

Therapeutic properties

Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, digestive, hydrating, febrifuge form the therapeutic properties of the oil giving rise to its benefits.

Additional information
Weight N/A
Botanical Name:

CAS# :

Color & Odor :

F.E.M.A. #:

Country of Origin:

Methods of Extraction :


Specific Gravity

Refractive Index

Flash Point

Optical Rotation

1 review for Palmarosa Essential Oil

    December 14, 2024
    I am very much satisfied with the great quality of the products.
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