Grape Fruit Hydrosol

(1 customer review)


Buy Grape Fruit Hydrosol, 100% Pure, and Natural at Wholesale Price


Botanical Information:

The botanical name of Grapefruit is Citrus paradisii. It is a tall and evergreen tree that can reach up to 4.5-6 meters (15 to 20 ft) or sometimes up to 13.7 meters (45 ft) with age with 5 cm long white four-petaled flowers, approximately 15 cm long, dark green, glossy leaves and large sour to semi-sweet fruit.

Production Description:

Also known as Grapefruit Essence or Grapefruit Distillate Water, Grapefruit hydrosol is extracted through the hydro distillation process. It is just like the highly aromatic water obtained during the fruit concentration process when the floral water is available at the pre-heater stage of the evaporator. There is no space for any solvents when it is derived via the flash distillation process.

This floral water contains a pleasant, citrusy, sweet, and fresh aroma that is the cleaning and uplifting and suitable option for the conditions like the availability of fungus and bacteria. It is packed with astringent properties that are perfect for congested, acne, and/or oily skin. Apart from being known as an excellent alternative to uplift one’s mood, this distillate water is capable enough to cleanse areas around the house.

Benefits and Uses:

  • Grapefruit hydrosol can be used to refresh the air and eliminate germs.
  • This floral water also acts as a linen spray.
  • This distillate water is also known as a profound skin antibacterial cleanser.
  • The availability of retinol antioxidants in the hydrosol helps speed up your skin cell turnover.
  • Hydrosol can also be used to remove dead skin cells.
  • You can utilize it as a key base to prepare for facial clay masks.
  • It can also be added to lotions, creams and perfumes, and other cosmetics.

Spray it on the scalp to decrease your hair loss.


Additional information
Weight N/A
Botanical Name:

CAS# :

Color & Odor :

F.E.M.A. #:

Country of Origin:

Methods of Extraction :


Specific Gravity

Refractive Index

Flash Point

Optical Rotation

1 review for Grape Fruit Hydrosol

    January 7, 2025
    After using the grape fruit hydrosol, my skin feels more fresh and healthy, looking forward to buying more from your company.
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