Cucumber Oil

(5 customer reviews)


Buy Cucumber Oil, 100% Pure, and Natural at Wholesale Price


Cucumber oil is commonly used by people during the summer season due to its varied amazing health properties since they are equipped with a number of vital nutrients that matter a lot when it comes to carrying the normal function of the body and water as well. The flesh of the cucumber is really a very important source of vitamin A, C, and folic acid while its skin is endowed with potassium, magnesium, molybdenum, silica, and other vital nutrients.

Cucumber oil also comes up with amazing skin rejuvenating properties that can really do wonders against under-eye swelling, sunburns, and many more. Cucumis Sativa is the botanical name of the oil. Many dermatologists consider the fact is that the presence of varied important nutrients makes it a suitable and excellent remedial solution to heal as well as revitalize skin from deep inside. The oil has ascorbic acid and caffeic acid, which basically prevents water loss and thus it is used in case of dermatitis.


  • It is known for providing strained muscles with the ultimate relaxation by loosening them.
  • This oil is commonly used in a large number of skin ailments and is heralded good for cartilages, bones, tendons, muscles, ligaments as well as other connective tissues.
  • The aromatic essence of the oil can be utilized for strengthening the mind, body, and spirit. It is really wonderful when it comes to preventing and healing any illness.
  • You can also apply it for treating plenty of dangerous diseases and ailments and thus its usage is popular in a wide range of lotions, hair products, body oils, facials, massage oils, masks, and exquisite soaps.
Additional information
Weight N/A
Botanical Name:

CAS# :

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Methods of Extraction :


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5 reviews for Cucumber Oil

    February 22, 2025
    Since I've started using this oil, my skin problems have been clearing up and my face looks and feels a lot healthier than it did before.
    February 13, 2025
    It's stunning! Cucumber is one of the most useful essential oils in my opinion. It's great for its anti-inflammatory properties
    December 18, 2024
    Only a few drops create a difference in your tension life. Must have a try!
    Ricky Spoforths
    October 10, 2021
    I took some tips for my SPA and SAUNA business from Avi Naturals Team and was pleased to see them suggesting me right things even though I had not purchased even a single product from them as yet. That was good enough reason for me to become their regular customer and I started with this amazing Cucumber oil. This was three years ago and today I place my orders almost every fortnight.
    Samantha Joannes
    June 24, 2014
    A pinch of cucumber essential oil in face masks or freshening gels and my skin starts glowing like never before. My friends and colleagues ask me how and I tell them the secret - A wonderful product from Avi Naturals.
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