Aloe Vera Powder

(1 customer review)


Buy Aloe Vera Powder, 100% Pure, and Natural at Wholesale Price


Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant, which nurtures in warm, dry climatic conditions. Aloe Vera Powder is also referred to by its botanical name Aloe Barbadensis. It is obtained from the Aloe Barbadensis which is a member of the Asphodelaceae family.  The evergreen shrub of aloe barbadensis can grow up to 1-2 feet in height. Aloe Vera is often called Aloe Africana, Aloe arborescens Miller, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe barbadesis, and Aloe capensis. It has been used for centuries in ancient and modern medical sciences because of its uncountable benefits. In the United States, it is originated in Florida, Texas, as well as Arizona. It is also widely cultivated in several parts of India.  Aloe fabricates two substances, gel plus latex that are utilized for medications. Aloe Vera powder is full of benefits as it is used in food items, medicines, for healing wounds, treatment of sunburn, encouraging skin rejuvenation, relieving arthritis pain, reducing scarring, improving blood circulation, and a lot of other things.

Uses and Benefits of Aloe Vera Powder:

  • The powder consoles and assists lessen irritation in the digestive region.
  • It is very useful for various cosmetics applications like creams, lotions, face packs, shaving creams, etc.
  • It triggers WBCs inside the body to aid fight viral as well as bacterial diseases.
  • It helps reduce the level of blood sugar in diabetes patients by around 48 percent.
  • When consumed orally, the powder can be utilized as a purgative.
  • It also helps in coughs, wounds, ulcers, gastritis, diabetes, headache, arthritis, and immune-system deficiencies.
  • It is also recognized for bettering urinary organ, gall bladder, and liver functions plus assisting with blood flow.
  • The powder also helps in the treatment of suntans, scratches, wounds, skin rashes, and dry skin.
  • The powder aids to take care of spots and acne rosacea, and also to get rid of stretch spots after gestation.
  • It assists to stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin that put a stop to maturating of the skin.
  • It can be mixed with natural henna and can be applied to hair.
Additional information
Weight N/A
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1 review for Aloe Vera Powder

    January 14, 2025
    I am so glad that I bought the aloe vera powder it seriously did magic for my dark circle. I will continue buying it.
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